A review by invisibleobserver13
Twelfth Grade Kills by Z Brewer


A fine conclusion to a fun series. Although, it was a bit heartbreaking. I loved that Vlad and Snow ended up together and that she became a vampire. And speaking of Snow, I love that the color schemes of the book covers keep matching up, but it still leaves a little mystery. I had figured it out by the end of the last book (purple - Vlad the Subject of the Pravus Prophecy, blue - Doran the Keeper, orange and red - Foreteller and Transcriber, respectively). But I wonder what Snow's green eyes mean. Glad that Vlad (and Henry) made up with Joss and that they are all friends again and worked together to save the people of Bathory. I love how Vlad utilized his Pravus powers to defeat the Slayer Society and the bad vampires. I have to say how cute Henry and October are and I was disappointed that we didn't see how the relationship developed since Vlad is our POV character. I also like that Meredith got a happy ending too, in which she and Joss are together, she is valedictorian at graduation and will be attending college in California. I was disappointed that D'Ablo was dispatched so early into the book, considering he was set up since the first book as Vlad's Big Bad or something similar. As for Vlad's true Big Bad, I had actually been spoiled that Vlad's father Tomas was alive and that Vlad would kill him in the end. But I was not really surprised by the revelation. I felt so much for Vlad when he realized how truly evil his father was and that Vlad's conception was not one of love, but an evil plot to rule over both vampires and humans. I felt betrayed and a bit enraged that Vikas, whom we came to love and care about over the course of the series, was helping Tomas the entire time. I was not surprised that Eddie Poe tried to blackmail Vlad, nor was turned into a vampire by Em, as things with him continued to escalate with each book and chapter. The most heartbreaking things about the book were Nelly's death (why did she have to die and why couldn't we get a happy ending for her and Otis?) and the revelation that Mellina was forced to marry Tomas and carry Vlad because she was Tomas' drudge and that he and Vikas murdered her.