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A review by emmareadstoomuch
Fleabag: The Scriptures by Phoebe Waller-Bridge


I like approximately four things in this world. One thing is cookies, and even those have to pass an extremely comprehensive test which the vast majority of baked goods fail with flying colors.

Another thing is coffee, and this has to be consumed with so much care and precision that if I were dropped back into the Middle Ages, if I didn't immediately perish from boredom / lack of running water / people smelling bad and being annoying, I could probably enjoy a fruitful career in alchemy. Lead into gold all DAY.

The third thing is books, and, in case you are somehow, mercifully new here, I don't like those too often either.

Fortunately, the fourth thing is a small number of witty, dark-humor British TV shows, most of which are created / written by / starring / formulated from the angelic and god like brain of Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

When you combine two of those four things into one book, it is a goddamn gift the likes of which come once in a generation.

Bottom line: What is there to say? Watch Fleabag. Read this. Or don't and be substantially less happy than you could be otherwise. See if I care.


today is my birthday and this book is a gift.

review to come / 5 stars i guess

tbr review

my personal bible