A review by bookishobsessedmama
Everything For You by Chloe Liese


well i have decided Chloe Liese actually isn’t able to write anything other than literal masterpieces. 

The Bergmans are my absolute favorite world to be in - at the A frame meddling and giving so much love. I adore all of these characters - I love seeing the past couples pop up in the new books. I haven’t even read Viggo’s book yet and i just adore him. Every time he is in a book i love him more and more. 

Oliver & Gavin. Oh my heart. I adored Oliver. He is the most sweet, kindhearted i just can’t. Loved him. I loved that we got dual POV - i think i loved Gavin cuz i got to be inside his head. He was such a grump but had so much going on in his head it broke your heart. 

Chloe writes in a way where you feel connected, aligned, and just love every single character. I saw so much of myself in these two characters & i just couldn’t love this book, their story or them anymore than i do. 🖤