A review by prettytee189
The Landlord by Brandon Massey


OMG this book was like one of those weird a** you have and wake up not knowing where you are! All that stuff they went through with this "landlord" and to think that I live in GA and can honestly say there are some sketchy things that go on with renting.

First of all, how are you living in a home under a lease that got you by the neck then you decide its a good idea to go and do work for this crazy person that you have never seen? Man oh man. Yes, the money was tempting but that was shady with a capital "S" and this Lola person, do not get me started.

It so weird how reading a book will unlock all your anger. Have you telling the story to your friends and family like its something that really happened to people you may or may not know hahahaha.

Definitely a good read, I was glad to get into it and be able to finish it with such a busy few days. Worth it!