A review by gracchus
Krabat Legend of the Satanic Mill by Otfried Preußler


I have finished “Krabat, Legend of the Satanic Mill” by Otfried Preussler. I read that book after my wife read it in the 80's and we watched the movie together in 2010. My wife was pregnant with our son when we watched the movie. My son has to read the book now. I took his offer to read the book at the same time. A Wendish orphan gets to a mill and begins an apprenticeship. But something is wicked and uncanny in that place. This is a story where friendship and love stand against a wicked master. The Novel is tragic and horrible but we also have comical situations. The writer enfolds a dark atmosphere and gives many hints. He reveals more and more details to the end. Besides you will see some famous people like the Strong August of Saxon. I enjoyed the novel.