A review by emmayvonne
The Seventh Apprentice by Joseph Delaney


As mentioned before I have a nostalgic love for Joseph Delaney which no other author could ever amount too. However, over the past few years I have admittedly been a bit disappointed with his novels, The Seventh Apprentice finally left me feeling hopeful for Delaney's future books!

This novella features both old and new characters who I came to love instantly. They were fun, and you definitely get to see a side of John Gregory which wasn't seen before, a more fatherly and younger side.

Delaney's dark atmosphere which originally drew me to his book was back with vengeance, there were some truly disturbing scenes which made me cringe, even one scene which made me gag. Delaney's masterful description of gore and horror never ceases to draw me in, and I will never understand how these books can be found in the children's section!

If anything this novella has made me want to re read the Wardstone Chronicles from the beginning, I'm in desperate need for some nostalgic horror now!