A review by allyreadssometimes
The Book of Whispers by Kimberley Starr


I received this ebook free from Netgalley in return for an honest review.
The Book of Whispers by Kimberley Starr is a historical fiction story set during the crusades (with Demons). I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as a historical setting I felt completely immersed in the world and loved loved loved the idea of seeing demons.

A large part of the story revolves around the idea of death and the seven deadly sins, those being the different types of demons attached to different items. I don't know how to describe my feelings for the characters. I wouldn't say I loved them, often finding them a bit whiny but I have to say they definitely felt real, given the circumstances. The contrast in love stories between our main characters and their friends was huge. Serafina and Mattias felt real and was completely understandable, but for me personally I do not like the love at first sight vibe and the whole 'I've seen you in my dreams' thing either. However, I do like the connection between Suzan and Luca and the fact that they accept they are in this together despite the views of everyone around them. I'd like to hope I'd have that attitude if I was destined to save the world.
I really liked the aspect of the book, obviously, and the ever changing content of it. Having it written in a seemingly dead language was also something that really intrigued me.

One of the downfalls of this book for me which stopped it being a 5 stars was its ending. Some of this book felt long and like it was building up to a huge dramatic finale and yet the final 'battle' was underwhelming. So underwhelming in fact that the main villain doesn't even realise its happening for most of it. I was so invested in this story and was so there for a huge end but I felt a little let down.

Overall 4/5 Stars