A review by jennyoli96
Liam Davis & The Raven by Anyta Sunday


I want to start off by saying that, of this specific genre, I have 3 favorite authors: Anyta Sunday, Suki Fleet and Sara Alva. So, when I rate these books I kinda compare them all to each other in order to make it fair. And it might sound unfair because, granted, they're different authors and different styles of writing, but the genre of the books, this m/m romance that is a notch above YA when it comes to explicit content but the MCs are still quite young, is the same and therefore I can't help but compare them.
That said, this book couldn't reach the 5 stars. The writing is beautiful, it's very engaging, it makes you want to keep reading, to know what happens next... The characters are wonderful, you fall in love with them. Liam is very analytical, an observer, an introvert whose life is basically ruled by logic, and I liked him alright. Hunter is an amazing character with a disability, and very well represented, funny, puts himself out there, knows how to enjoy his life in spite of things, I liked him alright as well. Shannon, well, we don't get to know her all that well, but she's caring and she has the best intentions and alas, I liked her too. Quinn was my favorite character. With some books, like Rock by the same author, for example, picking a favorite character is like picking a favorite food, it's extremely hard...With books such as this one, I have no trouble saying that Quinn is my favorite food *cough* I mean, sorry, character... He's caring, he's protective, he's an extrovert, he kicks ass, he's sarcastic, he's blah, he's awesome, and half a star goes to him.
Enough about the characters. This is a great book, it's pretty entertaining, but in comparison to other books to which I've given 5 stars within this genre, it doesn't quite get there. The blurb got me all excited about the vigilante, and that part was, to me, not explored enough, which was a huge let down. The main relationship drags, and yes I feel like it matched the main character's personality and made sense, but still, sometimes it annoyed me.
Anyhowwww, I still recommend it to everyone who loves this genre, a very nice, solid 4 star read!