A review by natlbugz
The One by John Marrs


First John Marrs book I've read and it definitely won't be my last. Insanely good!!

A gripping and speculative take on the future of relationships through a genetic matchmaking service that promises to find each person their "perfect partner" based solely on DNA. The novel intertwines the lives of five vastly different characters who have taken the test, revealing unexpected consequences and fates.

Marrs masterfully crafts each narrative thread, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and the ethical implications of genetic destiny. The characters, each in their unique situation—ranging from a serial killer hiding his true nature to a happily engaged woman whose match upends her life—illustrate the profound impact this technology has on society and personal identities.

The plot unfolds with intense pacing and numerous twists that keep the reader engrossed until the very end. Marrs doesn't just tell a story; he provokes questions about the nature of relationships and the underlying values that drive our deepest connections.

While the premise is intriguing and the twists are compelling, the multiple storylines sometimes feel fragmented, challenging the reader to stay connected to the overarching narrative. Despite this, the book’s exploration of complex moral dilemmas and its suspenseful, engaging writing make it a standout in the genre of speculative fiction/thrillers.

I rated this a 4/5 stars, recommending it to readers who enjoy thrillers with a psychological and futuristic edge. The novel is a thought-provoking journey that challenges the very notion of "perfect love" and whether science should dictate the heart.