A review by spookyoctopusreads
The Valley by Mike Salt


What could go wrong when a group of friends meet up for a secluded mountain getaway weekend? Well....if you've seen any horror movies, you know A LOT can happen. A lot of BAD can happen...and that's exactly how this story goes down. What starts as a relaxing weekend full of catching up, having a few drinks, and hiking turns into a fight for survival when the group find a mysterious map that points them in the direction of a hidden waterfall. The valley they come upon is not as it seems. A forgotten town, people who seem to be living in a loop of their own horrors, and something sinister lurking in the fog....

This story starts with a lot of friendly banter and "getting to know" the characters. Once the group decides to go hiking and meet a mysterious man in the woods who threatens them if they don't turn back, the action picks up quite quickly. I enjoyed the bit of mystery present. While reading, I had lots of questions about the fog, the evil entity, and the secluded time loop village... but especially the abrupt ending. I think some of the mystery was intentional and enjoyable, while other parts could have been a bit more fleshed out. The setting itself was very atmospheric and spooky; it'll certainly give you some chills. Fog always freaks me out...like, it's so beautiful, but dense fog is just creepy in the way that it can hide anything within it...and the fog in this story...ummm....so spooky! The book had a lot of slasher vibes as the characters were picked off one-by-one, and we all know I am ALWAYS here for slashers! As others have said, I think this book would translate really well to the screen.

Overall, this is a pretty solid chilling horror story. It's def not one I want to read while on a secluded mountain getaway- hahaha. I would recommend this to readers who enjoy eerie, mysterious, survival horror.

**Thank you to Mike Salt for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.**