A review by misty24a8a
Starting from Scratch by Stacy Gail


Such a well done novella! So much story packed into it. And the angst, oh the angst! My heart hurt for Lucy so many times in the story. It's not very often an author can get me to feel SO MUCH for a character. And I really want to try Lucy's Pfeffernusse!

Unexpected humor kept popping up amongst all the heartbreak:

"Every time you say you hate Christmas, one of Santa's elves explores." "Shut up and give me a fry."

"Enjoying the holiday traditions while terrorizing you all at the same time. It doesn't get any better than this."

Lucy tilted her head, considering. "I don't think I've ever consciously thought of the word breeder in my life. Oh, wait. I just did."

When you get to the "A year from now, month from now, week from now, day from now" speech...ohhh it was so lovely I highlighted it and read it 3 times.

At the end of the book make sure you go to the author's website to ready a nice long epilogue and the letter Sullivan wrote to his buddy's children at Christmas. Makes the story even better.

Ends at 96% on my Kindle.
Stand alone novella (I think, although I see other books by the author set in Bitterhorn)