A review by joskypay
Filthy Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


Abby and Dex are *FIRE* together! This is my first book by this duo but now I'm hooked and want to read about all the brothers. Dexter is hot and macho but not TOO much, he's got a soft side and he's not afraid to let others see it. Abby is sweet, but she's got some fiestiness to her. She's not about to let any guy run her life, and she's happily single, at an age where she just wants to have some fun. Fooling around with someone with Dex's laundry list of drawbacks, not the least of which is his senior position within the company she works for. She calls him on his BS and that just makes him want her more. As he is quick to point out 'its not cocky if you can back it up', which he does on every level. The ending left me wanting to know more about the other brothers, good thing I can read about a few of them in the previous books while I wait for Donovan's!