A review by paddlefoot55
Every Part of You: Denies Me by Megan Hart


3.5 stars ~ ARC Received via Netgally for an honest review

Wow, Elliot and Simone's relationship is from one extreme to another.

They finally start to have a proper relationship, then BAM things from Elliot's past pop up to throw a spanner in the works.

I wanted to bitch slap Elliot at times. His behaviour towards Simone goes from sweet, hot, and steamy to cold hearted and downright cruel.

I do like that we have the opposite dynamic to what we get in most books with some BDSM content to it. Love that Simone knows what she likes and what she wants (that bit of pain) while Elliot is very wary of dishing it out.

I am interested to see what happens in the last installment after the turmoil at the end of part 4. Am wondering what ramifications Simone's actions will have on her relationship (as it stands) with Elliot.

Bring on Part 5 (Takes Me)