A review by hemloc
Hidden by Angilram, Kelley Armstrong


Five reasons to read Hidden:

1) This is the first story where we really get to see Clay, Elena, and their kids together, and it's cute. My favourite moment is when they start playing Spoons and their only rule is that the game ends at first blood.

2) It can be easy when an author has written so many stories for the same series for them to fall into the same old plot patterns. Kelley Armstrong doesn't have that problem. Every story is different.

3) The artwork is a nice little extra.

4) I love that Noah participates in the investigation. He deserves good things, and Clay and Elena's interactions with him are wonderful.

5) The prologue worked really well. I'm not generally a fan of prologues – I've seen them done badly one too many times. But Kelley Armstrong's are alway very good.

Two drawbacks to Hidden:

1) The plot felt a little uncertain at times, like it was waffling because if it didn't the whole thing would be resolved too quickly, so there were steps that didn't lead anywhere.

2) The logistics of not telling the twins about werewolves and the Pack didn't work for me. Elena and Jeremy think the twins should be kept in the dark until they're about 8, but that isn't how the Pack did things previously. Children grew up knowing what they and their extended family are. That makes sense. There's no way an eight-year-old wouldn't already have figured it out and felt betrayed by the secrecy.