A review by theeditorreads
Beautifully Cruel by J.T. Geissinger


Truvy Sullivan aka Tru works at Buddy’s All Night Diner where he’s been coming for eleven months now and making it a point to be served only by her. When she tries to flirt with him, he warns her off. There’s something savage about this man, but what is it?

Liam Black tries to but couldn’t restrain himself from seeing her for one last time, and inadvertently finds his way to the diner where she works, again and again. He’s obsessed with her. And that is how he finds her moments from death when she’s attacked late at night.

This is the first book I have read by [a:J.T. Geissinger|5865943|J.T. Geissinger|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1589687454p2/5865943.jpg], and it won’t be the last. Narrated from Tru and the big bad wolf aka Liam’s first-person perspective, this is a story of a Texan lass meeting an Irish hunk. Twenty-four-year-old Tru is taking law classes while simultaneously working and is wary of her attraction to Liam, who’s much older than her and feels dangerous. But she isn’t able to help her feelings where he’s concerned.

In spite of warning her to stay away from him, he’s the one who can’t let her go. But Liam doesn’t do relationships, and that could be a problem. For most of the story, while it’s evident what he is, there’s still a cloak of suspense as to what is it exactly that Liam does. And it was funny for the author to have made Tru studying to become a criminal defense attorney.
Untethered from a normal routine that gives it shape and meaning, time slows down. Or maybe it disappears altogether. Either way, without being bracketed by work and school, my days seamlessly slip into one another. The rising and setting sun becomes the only marker of passing time, and even that is so similar from day to day that it loses its meaning, too.

This was an erotic, dark romance, a simple story and yet it left me rooting for Liam and Tru. A gentle giant and a strong girl. While I love reading books about bad boys, this surprised me to no end. I didn’t see the ending coming, with so much ambiguity from the beginning regarding Liam’s identity. The epilogue was everything I could have asked for and even though I can’t reveal anything else without spoiling the story, I would really love to read the brother’s tale as well.

P.S. I loved how books were a major part of the story, the ones mentioned in this one are In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust and Fifty Shades of Grey. Yet to read the former and the latter is my favourite! I was moved by the acknowledgement where the author shared about herself and the reasons for the delay in the release of the book. I wish you all the best, well I do want the next book even if this is standalone. Lol.

Thank you to Social Butterfly PR for an e-ARC of the book.

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Shaina's Musings