A review by kaitrosereads
Entice by Carrie Jones


Entice, the third book in Carrie Jones’ Need series, is just as good, if not better, than the first two. The story just keeps getting better and I am once again dying for more.

Zara is a pixie queen now so she should be able to bring Nick back from Valhalla, right? Wrong. Every time she and Astley get a clue something goes wrong and someone ends up dying. Can Zara bring Nick back from Valhalla before she loses everyone she loves or is he really gone for good?

Entice was full of action. From the very beginning Zara and her friends were kicking pixie butt. It seemed like every chapter had some sort of fight scene in it and I loved it. I had the hardest time putting it down because I didn’t know what would happen next. There were also some more deaths in this one and I was very sad about them. =[

Zara is still Zara. She may be a pixie queen now but she is still scared and insecure. She worries about people loving her and she tries so hard not to show her pixie side. Astley is the only one who really doesn’t care whether she is pixie or human. He was so great in this book. I am definitely Team Astley now.

Overall, Entice is a fantastic addition to this series. The next book cannot get here soon enough!