A review by amybraunauthor
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada


This book has been sitting on my To Be Read shelf for a while now, and I don't know why because it is AMAZING. I can't believe how much I adored it! From the very first chapter, I became hooked into a unique, terrifying world. The story kept my attention even after I had to put it down.

The characters are wonderful. Cat is a great character with a complex history and backstory. Cole is a sweetheart and definitely book boyfriend material. I loved the tenderness and honesty of their romance.

The story is one of the best I've written. Not only was it packed with magic and science and expertly written, it had some amazing twists and surprises. Pieces of the plot were wonderfully tied together for an ending that shocked and riveted me.

I loved this book in a way that stunned me, and I recommend it to anyone who loves sci fi, complex human relationships, and science. A smart, quick, adrenaline-filled must read!