A review by adrianasturalvarez
Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller, Vol. 2 by Frank Miller


I really like how Miller treats the character of Daredevil once he takes over from McKenzie. Right away, you get a level of honesty and realism that was completely absent before. More than his treatment of Daredevil, I think these comics are brilliant because of what Miller did with the side characters. He creates more depth for Daredevil through the ways the superhero must interact with a series of very well drawn (pun intended) villains and friends. Bullseye isn't as cheesy as he was in the McKenzie run (and Miller is able to push him to even more compelling ground in volume 3) and if you thought Bain was impressive in the third Nolan Batman film, wait until you read Miller's Kingpin. Same eloquence, same chilling pragmatism. This is the underbelly of capitalism and it's horrific effect on the everyman... or you know, a worthy adversary and stuff. The only problem with reading these comics is an increasing dissatisfaction with the crappy Ben Affleck movie, which, of course, builds to outrage after you encounter Elektra. Yeah, definitely not Jennifer Garner. One can always hope for a reboot.