A review by drbooknerd
The Arabic Quilt: An Immigrant Story by Aya Khalil


What a beautiful, sweet, warm and powerful story with a much needed message in today's climate of division. This book brings home the message of creating understanding, learning to help overcome the ignorance and fear. What better way to learn than from a simple lesson in the setting of school, where so many lessons stay with us for life.

The story is based on the author's childhood experiences, which makes it that much more powerful and meaningful. The illustrations are filled with expression, warmth and truly bring a wonderful imagery to the words on the page. I especially love the images of the quilt itself.

I love the design of the cover - it invites you in - the decorations of the letters in the title brings that authentic feel to the book - of course, the story is authentic as alluded to above.

I feel so proud that this book exists, especially given the times we live in - it's much needed. Though I'm not a parent yet - I know this is a book a young family should have on their shelf for their little ones - I know I will save this for my future family, if I am so blessed.