A review by missmegreads
Medusa's Touch by Emily L. Byrne


This book is weak even on the prose level. It needed a better writer and a better editor and obviously had neither.

The relationship between Sherin and TiCara reads as if someone decided that there couldn't possibly be any kind of f/f relationship unless they had sex or were sexual with each other right away rather than building up any kind if actual relationship. I don't require all queer romance to have a slow burn. Sometimes one nice space captain lady meets another nice lady and just wants to get railed like the train's coming in at full speed, but it'd be nice if it made sense for Sherin to jump TiCara's bones that one time in a situation where, frankly, it's not clear that Sherin is in a position to fully and enthusiastically consent because she's not in a clear mental state.

So many things are out of order or not told to us until long after they'd be useful and frankly about 90% of this novel could've been edited away without impacting the story one bit. The author gets tedious and doesn't know how to keep pacing very well.

I gave up around half way through because life is short and there's better sapphic SF/F than this to be had.