A review by reader44ever
All Night Long by Jayne Ann Krentz


Finally reviewed after my "seventh" (see notes below) reading, June 23, 2017.
5 stars - outstanding/amazing

I love this book. Irene is a wonderful protagonist and Luke is fabulous, too. I really love them together.

I was sort of nervous about reading this story, considering that yesterday I read JAK's latest release - [b:The Girl Who Knew Too Much|31624980|The Girl Who Knew Too Much|Amanda Quick|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1473954635s/31624980.jpg|51398738], written as [a:Amanda Quick|42211|Amanda Quick|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1362431091p2/42211.jpg] - and was underwhelmed. I worried that maybe I wasn't in the right mood to appreciate my favorite author's writing, and that that was why I failed to fall in love with The Girl Who Knew Too Much. Instead, it seems that my complaints - in my review - were right and true, especially seeing as how I read and LOVED this book. From the first page through to the last, I was sucked in and loved every word. :-)

So, back to my love for this story. . . When Irene was 15, her parents were murdered. She never believed that her father killed her mother and then himself. And now, 17 years later, the secrets surrounding her parents' deaths are starting to unravel. :-)

Unfortunately, I have read this book so many times that I know who the killer is. And I can't now remember if the twist in the end ever took me by surprise. But I imagine it did. I probably figured out who it was just as Irene and Luke did.

Also, about my having read this book "so many times," I decided that six readings in the past "seemed like a good number." But I don't rightly know how many times I have read this story. Probably at least seven, possibly as many as twelve. ;-)

(That last paragraph was written after my "seventh" reading on June 23, 2017.)

I mentioned laughter, and tears, somewhere? Up above, I think, and in one of my status updates. Please allow me to share a few scenes. . .

First, Chapter One, pages 6-18, is just delightful. This is the chapter where we first see Irene and Luke together. I sort of smile-snickered at a number of lines in this first chapter. :-)

Then in Chapter Eight, pages 65-69, every time Jason Danner, Luke's youngest brother, said "Boy, howdy" I again smile-snickered. :-)

I laughed again on pages 88, 91, 117, 176, and 209. :-)

I'll share the quote from page 209, in Chapter Thirty-One, Irene
is trying to reassure Luke's family. . .
"If it helps," she said, "I can assure you that there's no need to worry about about Luke's erectile dysfunction problems."
"Irene," Luke muttered, "If you don't mind---"
"He's definitely normal in that department," Irene continued quickly, eager to make her point. "Actually, he's a lot bigger than normal."
A great hush had fallen across the entire restaurant. It dawned on her that everyone was staring at her as though mesmerized.
Jason grinned. "Boy, howdy."
Bigger, she thought, had been an unfortunate choice of words.
"I mean better than normal," she said quickly.
She could tell immediately that the hasty rephrasing wasn't quite right, either.
"I feel a little faint," she said to Luke.
"That's funny, . . .
LOL!!! :-)

I had tears forming in several places, too. On pages 77, 311, and then at the end.

On page 77 (Chapter Nine), tears only formed - they didn't fall - when Irene was shopping for groceries and
Tess Carpenter was kind to her after she repelled the busy-bodies.
I don't know why that scene put tears in my eyes, but it did. :-)

On page 311 (Chapter Forty-Nine), it was
Irene's kindness to Sam
that did me in. Tears did fall for this scene.

And then the ending made me cry. It was just sooo happy. I really just loved it. :-)

So this is a wonderful book. An engaging story, fabulous characters, exciting scenes, it's just everything I most love to read about. I really, really love it. :-)