A review by markreadsbooks_sg
The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch


I got The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch for free from NetGallery for a fair an honest review.

The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch tells the story of a party to celebrate the wedding set in New Orleans involving 6 people but only 5 people will be leaving.

The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch is a run of the mill thriller with 6 different people thrown together over a weekend just because one of them is getting married.

The novel is mainly told through the eyes of the 6 people involved in the party in addition to two others which allows the story to progress,

I know there are some of you out there who do not like stories which use multiple viewpoints hover in this case the writer Carissa Ann Lynch uses this device to, allow the reader to see multipull parts of the plot from different perspectives.

For example there will be a chapter from one person's point of view where they are complaining about an individual, then the next chapter would examine the same point but from the other side.

There are times when I write book reviews that they come easy to me as the book is ever excellent so I can praise it all the way and there are others where the book is so bad that there is plenty to complain about.

The problem with, The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch, is that the book is ok, in that its not godd or bad.

The main problem for me is that the plot line has been done before, the characters while interesting none of them ever build a major reaction for example i quite like the bride and her cousin, but don’t love them.

In addition, the mother-in-law seemed to be written as this cold and judgemental person going on to say that she brought the bride some maternity trousers for Christmas because she was getting fat.

The problem using the multiple point of view is that it is very difficult for us as readers to feel anything but empathy for any character no matter how unsympathetic the writer tries to
make them.

Having said all this The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch is still a pleasent read for any one who enjoys this style of novel.