A review by sassybookishmama
Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere


What a great book!! This is my first book by Jennifer Delamere and definitely did not disappoint!! II will definitely be adding her to my to-be-read authors list!! I absolutely loved this story. It was thoroughly engaging and had all those elements you look for in a story; love, a somewhat villainous character, comedy, disappointment and more love! Right away you can tell that the author has done extensive research to make this book come alive! It was interesting to relive that moment in history when technological improvements were just beginning.

The characters are very relatable and endearing. Both main characters Douglas and Alice are determined to make their own way into the world and be successful in what they do. For Alice that means being an independent woman, not focused on marriage or starting a family but rather focus on making herself a successful telegrapher. Douglas on the other hand has come from poverty so he is determined to make a name for himself in the business world and climb that corporate ladder in whatever way that may be even the possibility into marrying into a what most consider a noble family. That is until he meets Alice!

Oh my stars! Their love story is so good! It really all starts with a friendship and a bookstore! (How can you go wrong with a book that includes a book store?!) And seriously it all starts with a book she picks up from the bookstore called "The Spinster's Guide to Love and Romance". I don't want to give you any spoilers but by picking up this book it causes Alice to come across many comical problems. They moments she encounters truly have you shaking your head and smirking!

There are some sweet moments as well with Douglas and Alice that are swoon worthy! Especially on one scene where Douglas taps out Thank You in Morse Code after Alice helps him to feel more confident with dancing! Gah!! You definitely fall in love with Douglas and are pulling for him the entire time!

Although the love element is great in this story, it's only part of it. Douglas and Alice are both on a journey. They are both learning what they truly want out of life. When Douglas meets with Mr. Carnegie (yes the Carnegie from our history books) he definitely has an eye-opening experience. He not only learns that Carnegie is a business minded person but that his outlook on wealth is not to accumulate it but rather help others with it. I love how he says this " No idol is more debasing than the worship of money. If a person is going to spend so much of their life's blood and sweat on something, it should be something that is elevating in character." Wow! That is a teaching moment not only for Douglas but I think of all of us as human beings as well!

Alice also goes through an eye opening experience of her own after she gets dismissed from her telegraphy job (this is where that somewhat villainous character comes in) and heads out to her parents wedding anniversary celebration where she hears her dad say "You have been my best life's work." All this time she has been thinking that her sole purpose was to stay unmarried and focus on her independence. She has never wanted to have that independent spirit to be taken away. She realizes after speaking with her mentor as well that all this time she has wanted "a man to whom she could safely entrust her heard and her hard-earned independence."

It was lovely to see these characters grow and learn about themselves throughout the story. Jennifer Delamere definitely left the story open for continuation as we were introduced to two of Alice's friends; Rose and Emma and I for one cannot wait to read their stories in hopes to also catch glimpses of Douglas and Alice!

If you love historical fiction in a Victorian Era then I know you will love this book!

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.