A review by donnaeve
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls


Book. Hangover.

I loved it. What I especially liked was as we came to the end, not only had "us kids" flown the coop, landing in NYC (New Yawk City!), they'd made it. And by made it, I mean they'd worked, gone to school, and had found their way in a city where those from WV, or anywhere else quite honestly, might feel like iguanas transported to Antartica. As in, what do we do now? How do we survive?

After their upbringing by two of the most bizarre, strange parents I've ever read about - although I have somewhat changed my opinion of them being total losers - I thought for sure they'd all hightail it out of there. But. No. They succeeded, and quite spectacularly. Well, all of them except Maureen.

My eyes welled up when JW told her father she didn't want him doing the "skedaddle." It was one of those perfect reader moments where you're laughing and crying at the same time. My reason for changing my mind about the whack ball parents? I felt they did love "us kids," albeit in a bizarre way.

And the very last sentence of the story cinches it all together. "A wind picked up, rattling the windows, and the candle flames suddenly shifted, dancing along the border between turbulence and order."

Oh my heart. Perfection.