A review by mousie_books
Wild Cards I: Expanded Edition by George R.R. Martin, Wild Cards Trust


I won a copy of this from Goodreads First Reads.

I liked a number of the stories. It was in between a set of standalone stories and cohesive serial, but as a result, much of it felt like it was introducing the characters.

Minutes over Broadway by Howard Waldrop (2/5) - introduces Jetboy, a fighter pilot war hero, and the wild card virus. It was filled with WWII references that went over my head, and I had a hard time getting into the story.

The Sleeper by Roger Zelazny (3/5) - has one of the cooler wild cards. He is boy who changes into a new ace or joker every time he falls asleep. It's a good, absorbing story.

Witness by Walter Jon Williams (3/5) - introduces the Four Aces, a group of traditional super heroes, and marks the beginning of the McCarthy era. I liked this one.

Captain Cathode and the Secret Ace by Michael Cassutt - is a television show with a chronically late actor and a producer with fokus (a.k.a. super vision). I liked the story, but the ending was hokey.

Powers by David D. Levine (4/5) - A secret jet disappears over the Soviet Union, and an ace that can stop time tries to prevent a international incident. The story is simple, but the plot/action is exciting.

Shell Games by GRRM (4/5) - features Tachyon and the telekinetic turtle. It was really good and hard to put down.

Degredation Rites by Melinda M. Snodgrass (3/5) - is a sweet and sad story about Tachyon and Blythe.

The Long, Dark Night of Fortunato by Lewis Shiner (2/5) - An ace pimp hunts down a murderer targeting hookers. I didn't feel like this fit in with the rest of the stories. The power was gross, and the story reminds me of Illuminatus! (which I didn't like).

Transfigurations by Victor Milan (2/5) - features the Vietnam protests. I didn't really get the point, and felt that the aces/jokers were superfluous.

Down Deep by Edward Bryant and Leanne C. Harper (2/5) - features alligator and animal telepath aces who get in trouble with the mob. I thought the story was random.

Strings by Stephen Leigh (3/5) - Puppetman and the riotous jokers. It had an interesting twist.

Ghost Girl Takes Manhattan by Carrie Vaughn (4/5) - A night out in the Bowery goes awry with ghost girl and the sleeper. The story was funny and exciting.

Comes a Hunter by John J. Miller (3/5) - A nat takes on an ace. The story was interesting, and I'm curious to find out how it 'ends'.