A review by katereads2much
Dancing to Forever by Amarra Skye


I enjoy reading about a lot of kink stuff typically, even if it's not my kink. But there's "not my kink," and then there's "reading about this kink in erotic fiction makes me uncomfortable." I do like the characters, and I liked the connection between them, but the kink here is very much not for me. You might be wondering why I read it when it's apparent what their kink is--I hadn't yet read a book dedicated to that kink. There was a little bit in the book before this one, but only towards the end and not a lot, so I couldn't really tell how I felt about it. I am happy to support anyone this kink is for! You do you and enjoy the hell out of it. For me, the idea of being "little" is appealing in some ways, but exclusively for therapy and dealing with trauma. I'd want the experience to be completely and totally devoid of any sexual undertones and probably only with a therapist or doctor--definitely not with someone I find attractive. One of the characters experienced trauma while "little," which made this book even harder for me to enjoy.