A review by bkp
Zoe's Tale by John Scalzi


Another episode in the Old Man's War! Excitement, danger, adventure... teenage-girl drama? Whodidiwhatinow?

For the fourth book, Scalzi takes on pretty much the same exact story from Book Three, only this time from the eyes of another character in the plot. Initially, a do-over of a story, especially one told from the point of a teenager, did not sit well with me. It felt like a bit of a cop-out.

But, teen angst aside, Scalzi's new peek into an old story gave a lot of new insights and sets up a lot more meaning to human and alien relationships in this universe.

And the teen angle ended up not being so bad after all. Scalzi channels the inner snark of his young characters pretty well. The dialog was funny and meaningful, reminding me a lot of Brian Michael Bendis' work.