A review by ebonymae123
The Lost Lights of St Kilda by Elisabeth Gifford


“For this much i have learned, the only things that stand are love and forgiveness, they are an island of hope glimpsed and not glimpsed among the pounding waves and the storms, but there still, always there, the lights guiding us home.”

This was the most amazing novel i have had the chance to read.As i first read, i was rooting for archie and chrissie to get their own happy ending, but as i read on i found myself rooting for fred and chrissie. Their romance Was absolutely beautiful, it broke my heart when fred left and i began to fall in love with his character and archies’. I could hardly hold back the tears when archie died and the pure happiness i felt when fred arrived home to chrissie is impossible to put into words. This book is beautifully written and deserves so much more attention than it is getting, please everybody who gets the chance, read this novel. You wont regret it