A review by allivenger
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle


I did not like this book, even though I did finish listening to the audiobook as sheer desperation hoping it would be better. The reason I did not like it, is mostly because of the time period in which it was written and has nothing to do with the author or the story itself. It just falls flat in this day and age and that honestly shouldn't take away from it, if you choose to read it like I did. I just personally did not like it.

The story starts out with my girl Gladys refusing a marriage proposal from Edward. He's deep in the friend zone and doesn't like it. Gladys tells him that he's boring and he needs to live his life before coming back to her. Because obv she wants to be the woman behind the man. Which causes Edward to jump at a chance to interview the mysterious George Challenger. He is a scientist who has discovered a lost world where dinosaurs still exist. And he along with Edward and a few other colleagues start off on an adventure to prove to the world that this is truth and not fiction.

This book is filled with misogyny and racism. There main male characters are all white men with riffles and all of the other lesser characters are people of color. They are talked about as lesser humans and in all of the cases where there is conflict the people of color are the antagonists. The big strong white men with guns (anything can be accomplished with a firearm....duh) are gods in this and everyone else is a lesser being designed to worship the white men with guns. It's a sign of the times. That was how men were men in those days and I can see the allure of the author's novels during that time. But I literally couldn't get over the notion of how ridiculous it all was.

I like to try and read the classics when I get the opportunity and this one just wasn't it. I likely will not pick up another one of the author's books. The only saving grace in this book was that by the time Edward returned, his lady love Gladys was already married to someone else. And dude was absolutely perplexed over what this man did in his life that was so grand that Gladys would choose him before Edward got back from his big adventure. I'll let you find out for yourself.