A review by jessica_
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt


I love the idea of this story,
A town in the 21st century cursed by a 17th century witch that brings about intense suicidal throughs..... and the witch is just walking around town. So people made an app to keep track of where she is and to keep outsiders away from her.
If she shows up in your kitchen one day, throw a blanket over her and you wont have to look at her.

With vibes of Paul Tremblay, in its mundane everyday life with horror elements. And Stephen King's writing that makes the community and town an integral part of the story I was very hopeful.

Sadly I never found myself immersed by the writing or the characters.... and with nearly 400 pages the story really started to drag. I could have done with less every day life and more researching the history of the Witch and the curse.... and probably a lot less descriptions of boobs/nipples

I adored the ending of the book: diving into a darkness of human nature, mob mentality, fear and grief. But it just took too long to get there.