A review by ury949
The End of the Sentence by Maria Dahvana Headley


I just finished the book and it was really good. Really. This story gripped my gut; it was scary from the beginning; I felt Malcom's fear, frustration, and confusion.

True it's a little over the top and maybe unnecessarily complicated, but I love it for what it is: a story about ghosts. The descriptions of things - and there are some far out things here - invoked all my senses; it was effortless to visualize everything, feel chills, burns, smell smoke, taste iron, and even hear the house; it made me want to make them real. Nothing is dwelled upon any more than it needs to be, the book is short and moves along fairly well, though sometimes hard to follow. Somehow everything was very vivid, creepy, jarring, comforting - let's just say I was really into it.

The story starts out normal enough, but then the reader gets tossed back and forth between reality and ghostliness. At points I was as convinced as Malcom of his haunting, and at others, I felt like there were rational explanations for everything that was happening. I love the line about Malcom thinking, for a moment, that he had wrote the letters. Second guessing; changing realities - all done really well in this book.