A review by beckyrendon
Blind Kiss by Renée Carlino


I started this book with youthful optimism and a romantic's outlook. As I continued to be a part of Penny and Gavin's past, both my optimism and romanticism grew. As I was forced to endure their present my heart broke, my optimism withered, and my hope shriveled. This book is not an easy read. It's not unicorns and butterflies. Nothing is easy except that kiss.

Blind Kiss has an unusual meet cute. It's exciting, nervous, and the stuff romance novels are written about. Every crazy heart filled wish springs from that kiss. And yet, reality gets in the way. Life happens. Doubts, fears, and bad choices spring up. Love is misguided by pride, hurt, and loneliness.

This book will hurt the optimistic romantic. It will dull your shine for a bit. But you can't give up, there will be no quitting. Blind Kiss redeems it's depressingly realistic story with an incredible surprise.

Join me in a toast...to love!