A review by lisaeirene
Someone Else's Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson


I'm so on the fence about how to rate this book, whether to like it, hate it or...I don't know.

I loved "Almost Sisters". This is the second book I've read by this author. There were a lot of things that bothered me about the book but at the same time, she's really great at creating interesting characters and surprise endings.

Shandi is flawed, for sure, and she's young. And a young mother to a possibly genius 3 year old son. The son she conceived from non-consensual sex. The whole thing is weird and she alludes to it as getting pregnant while being a virgin (eye rolls). There was also a lot of religious/God stuff in this book that turned me off and I found myself skimming those parts.

The William character was interesting and I liked Paula and the stories of his love story with his wife, Bridget, and the twist at the end was good...but...it took awhile to get there and felt unresolved and not satisfying.

This book/story could have been really good and interesting, instead it felt like bits of good and interesting in a big mess. 2.5 stars