A review by blacksphinx
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske

Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
I enjoyed the first book and was greatly looking forward to the only sapphic entry in the series. I cannot convey how disappointed I am. From the author note it sounds like she was aiming for a fun mystery romp. Instead I was repeatedly struck by how dumbly absurd the situations were, and how stupid the characters in those situations behaved. The moment our protagonist had to interrupt two characters having sex to ask for their help in a murder mystery, and one of them just agrees, I knew this was going to be rough. I got to "protagonist buys a ton of erotica and reads it out loud while two other characters start acting it out" before I realized this was going to be a DNF. It didn't have any of the charm of the first book. I also don't like how many harmful stereotypes our bisexual love interest hits. Just a painful disappointment all around.