A review by alleskelle
A Crack in Everything by L.H. Cosway


I started "A Crack In Everything" feeling exceptionally hopeful. I hadn't read much lately and I figured fate was throwing me a hand because finally, finally I could take a breather and read something for me.
So I started this duet I had requested an Arc for, feeling every bit curious and intrigued. The covers have this enigmatic feel to them, coupled to a blurb promising second chance at love, I decided fate was really sending me a message and so I started to read with eager hopefulness and anticipation.

And man, LH Cosway really is Queen of endearing quirky characters. Flawed and down to earth. I think my love for her books comes from how mundane —but not without sparks— her heroines and heroes are. They're you, me, but with this little something that makes them unique and interesting. Sparse excentricity. Just the right amount of crazy and unconventional to make them special.
She writes beautiful love stories deeply grounded in your or mine everyday, adding a dash of madness to it transforming something mundane into a modern fairy tale. She tells her stories from a unique angle and her writing is refreshing. So yeah, you could say I was feeling every bit hopeful and eager to dive into this new story.

As such I just adored the beginning, I quickly developed feelings for Evelyn and Dylan. The gentle and sweet bonding between them was just lovely. Knowing at some point they would grow apart made me appreciate all the more their undeniable bond, their shared appreciation for flowers, and their growing chemistry. Together they were really effin' cute.
What started to make me feel... detached was the reason invoked for their pending break up. It didn't make sense to me that the heroine would be so insistent upon setting both her future with Dylan to fail over something that felt like nonsense—to me. I know, I know... It's fiction, the story needed it... But that's my point, their separation felt so... contrived it ruined my enjoyment of the book right then and in the long run. So I started to focus on their little group of friends. Secondary characters became my primary focus, I was already imagining sequels focused on their stories... lol

To my dismay, the one character I was loving even more than Evelyn and Dylan would not make it to the end of the story. I felt ripped of my sole source of enjoyment before I could even finish part one of this duet. Damn it, why? Probably because Evelyn and Dylan imminent separation felt like such a non eventful occurence, the story required something to cry over about? It sure felt like this to me.

I started book 2 with my eagerness hiding in a corner and just a feeling... I'm not quite sure. In the second part we're starting with a 10 years fast forward or so, Evelyn and Dylan conveniently find themselves in the same place again, New York this time.
Eveything in this part felt even more forced somehow. Evelyn even after all these years acts the opposite to what her heart tells her, Dylan is still as confident and steady as ever and never stopped loving Ev.
Okay. Without surprise we know where this is going, how everything is going to play out and even the hommage given to their long lost friend isn't enough to put my heart back in the game.
I'm just reading a monotonous insta love story that lacks feelings and chemistry.

You could say this one missed the mark for me, I enjoyed many things early in the book, but quickly grew disconnected from both main characters. Many of my friends felt the exact opposite as I did and loved The Cracks Duet. If you enjoyed this author in the past, you'll find here what you love about her writing, so don't let my picky and moody self deter you. Check out other reviews!

I received an advance copy of this book.
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