A review by beckyrendon
Defenseless Hearts by Meagan Brandy


Meagan Brandy is a straight up savage!

SAVAGE, I tell you!

She decimated my heart and did an evil cackle while she threw me in a pit of starving pigs that ripped my body to shreds.

(Okay that was graphic but seriously...)

This book is the reason the word ANGST exists. I mean how many times can she put our poor hearts in a vice, slice them open, and leave them bleeding out before we die?!?!

Apparently, as many as she wants! Defenseless Hearts is thoroughly devastating. Its heart breaking, mind numbingly tragic. It's starrcrossed lovers making Romeo and Juliet look like a fairytale. To clarify, it makes them look like a Disney fairytale. Defenseless Hearts is more Grimm in its heartache. But dont let my ranting scream you off, because it's worth every heartbreaking, soul crushing minute.

Everyone needs a Hero. And Hero deserves HER.