A review by saracat
Emma by Nancy Butler


I first should say that I have not yet read the original Jane Austen book which this adaptation is made from (though I did watch the YouTube series "Emma Approved" some years ago so I was familiar with the general arch of the story). While I can't say how faithful this adaptation is to the original, I was able to mostly follow the story. The only real problem I had was keeping track of all the characters. This may be easier in a longer novel, but maybe it would be just as much work to keep all the characters straight regardless of the format. One thing that did help was that each character had something distinctive in their appearance and that aided me in knowing who was speaking.

I was very pleased how many of the characters had both likable characteristics as well as moments that I felt frustrated with them. It made them feel more real to me.

On the art style, I really liked how it looked as if it had been hand colored by copic markers, which gave it a feel that I felt was better for a story set in the 1800s. And the use of thin versus thicker outlining was used to great effect in the comic as well.