A review by thisgingerlovesbooks
Dear Ally, How Do I Write a Book? by Ally Carter


I loved the idea of this book, I liked that not only did ally draw upon her own experience as a writer, she also had other authors give an input, offering their favourite pieces of advice or giving their own. You can really tell that ally tried to avoid the whole information over load thing you often get with how to books. She tried to split the book into smaller sections etc. However for me I still felt a little overwhelmed reading this book, I also felt like I’d have to read each chapter about five or six times in order for things to sink in. However that’s quite normal for me, I have special educational needs and so taking in so much information at once is a bit... woah. I end up losing my focus, get distracted, and forget what I’ve just read, meaning I have to go back and read it again, and it can be quite frustrating. Unfortunately I couldn’t get to grips with this book BUT I think it could still be a great resource for other teens and young adults who are interested in writing. There are many different ways to write a book and they are all explained in this book, and I do think it’ll encourage aspiring authors to find their own process and run with it!