A review by renley
Ironskin by Tina Connolly


* 3.5 *
~ Thank you Tor Books for sending me a copy in return for an honest review! ~

I have very mixed feelings about this book right now.. I loved it, then I hated it, and then I loved it- and agh! I am going to have such a hard time writing a review on this one, so bear with me!

Our main character is Jane, who is one of the victims of the fey curse from the Great War 5 years ago. To keep the curse contained she must wear an iron mask, that blocks it's abilities. After losing her job, she applied to the Silver Birch Hall to be a governess and a teacher to a child named Dorie, who was born during the time of the Great War. Soon after she arrived she notices that Dorie is also cursed- but in a way that Jane has never seen before. While teaching Dorie how to control her curse, Jane also begins to get closer to her father- Mr. Rochart- Who seems to have many secrets hidden of his own.

This book was a roller-coaster for me. In the beginning I was very intrigued by the book and found myself loving Connolly's writing. She writes so descriptive and beautifully and I sometimes felt like I was right there with Jane the entire time. Also, the fact that it was pretty much a retelling of Jane Eyre only with Steampunk and faeries was a plus! But some parts of the book just didn't do it for me..

I loved Jane as a character. I really enjoyed following her and learning more about her as a person. But the thing is, she is the only character I felt attached to. Dorie was okay, she annoyed me quite a bit but I felt myself growing to like her a little bit more as time went on. Mr. Rochart though, I didn't connect with him at all. He wasn't anything really special, and I expected him and Jane to have all these heart-wrenching beautiful moments- but that never happened. The romance was very mild and there were very few moments with Jane and Mr. Rochart that didn't really go anywhere.

This book was very entertaining, even though there were dull moments in there. I loved the storyline of it and enjoyed Jane as a character. The other characters didn't do much for me, but maybe in future books they will grow some more on me! There was very little romance which was kind of a disappointment, but that might just be me because I just love romance in anything! But I definitely think this book was enjoyable and definitely worth a go if you are a fan of Jane Eyre or like faeries and steampunk!