A review by inkyinsanity
Alice Henderson On Debut by S.R. Silcox


I really enjoyed Alice Henderson on Debut, which surprised me. Usually I’m not a fan of contemporaries, but this story was cute and fun, and the sports stuff (of which there was a LOT) was easy to follow, and I have no clue about anything sport-related, so that was nice.

This book is all about the sport cricket, which I know nothing about. Even though the technical stuff threw me, the characters’ reactions were sufficient to clue me in to the basics of what had happened, which was very helpful and well done.

Alice was a good character; a talented, loyal, and selfless underdog. I really liked her and her passion to the game. She was easy to root for and sympathize with. I also loved her friendships with Charlie and Jules, and how having friends who were both interested in cricket and willing to respect Alice’s talents and passions helped strengthen her character.

One thing I didn’t like was the one-dimensional bullies who felt like they were there because there’s always bullies in YA contemporary fiction. It felt like there was no reason for Paris and her friends to be mean, except that they were. And that’s all they were: a foil for Alice to deal with. Maybe because I’m not a teen anymore, and maybe because I never put up with anyone who tried to be mean to me, but these kind of bullies just annoy me—obviously, they’re supposed to, but they annoy me in the way that I wish books would stop including them.

The other quibble I have is that I wish the ending had been just a chapter longer, so I could have seen Alice go home and talk to her family.

Overall, I really enjoyed this! Super cute and fun to read.