A review by lonelyasfranz
Connect the Stars by Marisa de los Santos, David Teague


DNF at page 163. Life is too short to read poorly written books, and this is certainly a poorly written book. It wasn’t so terrible before the wilderness survival camp, when it was just “ordinary” life, but it all went downhill after that. The characters somehow became even more dramatized (practically caricatures). Every character was exaggerated to the point of irritation. The “superpowers” of our protagonists were simply not written well. There was no development in at least the first 47% of the book. The one person monitoring a group of teenagers in the middle of the desert is completely abusive and moronic. He does nothing when the kids are bullied and, in fact, bullies them himself. Even the one “good” adult (the male child’s English teacher) says questionable things. I don’t like survival/wilderness books, much less combinations of the two, but Wild Bird was decent and even The Canyon’s Edge was better than this. Spare yourself the time and effort and read the former instead.