A review by mundinova
The Women's War by Jenna Glass


I give up. I can't do it.

Made it 7% into The Women's War before calling it quits. It was the 10th mention of how tidal waves work in chapter three that did it for me. Hopefully an editor gets to this before it's officially published, someone who can remove the repetitive information and the repetitive word usage. There's tons of information dumps in the first three chapters too, not much is 'shown' rather than 'told'. It's too distracting and prevents me from getting into the story. I'd love to hear from others if this was improved in the final published version.

Also, writing what appears to be an emotional death scene in chapter two doesn't help. I don't know these characters and haven't formed any emotional bonds to them, so their deaths don't mean anything to me.

The language is something more often found in young adult books, which didn't mesh with an adult protagonist with teenage children. The magic system appears interesting and will appeal to many fantasy lovers. This feels like a fantasy, alternative universe version of The Handmaid's Tale fan-fiction. I really wanted to like this. The description sounds like my jam .... but the execution feels like I'm being pandered to, which pisses me off. There's a market for this book, but unfortunately I'm not it.

I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Story: ? stars
Character Development: 2 stars
Writing/Prose: 1 star