A review by nissahh
Bon Bons to Yoga Pants by Katie Cross


Like every great story, it all began on Facebook.

Lexie Greene, an overweight college sophomore who works in an Irish pub needs to lose weight. Not only does she have to lose it for her sister wedding that is in six months, but she wants to lose weight for Bradley. Bradley, a guy that she met two months prior before the book begins, who Lexie is in love with; he will be her date for he sister wedding.

I love everything about this book. From the characters to the plot to the writing. Everything was magical. I relate to Lexie so much that it's scary. Everything she was thinking was how I was thinking. Especially want to lose weight because of some guy and not for myself (which didn't end well, the weight thing not the guy).

The relationships, I love them. I love how the author had Lexie try and start to repair the relationship between her mother and sister. Lexie making new friends at the gym, getting along with Betsy. The main course that is Bradley. OMG was they so cute together. If you could here the scream that emitted from my throat. I was so happy for Lexie and excited in general that I had to put the book down for a minute because I was fangirling so hard and needed to calm down before continuing.

I highly recommend this book, especially you want to some motivation if you're trying to lose weight. Well it worked for me and made me rethink the choices that I was making and it made me feel better. Because even though I know I'm not the only one thinking this way, it was nice to read about it in a book and see Lexie evolve and still feel a little insecure and growing confident each page.

So thank you Katie Cross for motivating me even more on my journey to weightloss. You don't know how much this means to me.