A review by michalice
The Recruit by Robert Muchamore


After finishing Rock War I wanted to read some more of Robert's books, so when I saw The Recruit on netgalley I had to give it a try......and I am still in two minds over what I think about it. So instead of my usual style of review I am going to go with a different style for this one, listing things I liked or disliked about The Recruit.

Things I liked about The Recruit
*I liked the whole idea behind the story, and how you would not suspect children as being part of a spy team and that they are really the ones you have to look out for.
*I thought the friendships that were formed were somewhat realistic.
*I love the military style training, and while they didn't necessary enjoy it themselves, I did enjoy seeing them go through torture to try to make it into the ranks.
*I loved the different range of characters in the book, and that they had their own skills. This group was a great mix of people who work well together in training, but also come in useful at other times.

Things I disliked about The Recruit
*It took far too long for anything to really happen, even joining CHERUB took a long time to actually get that far.
*I thought that there was so much build up for the final mission, that when it came around it was a let down. I was expecting a bit more action.
*I thought the relationship between James and Johanna wasn't realistic at all. I don't get how a child can fall so head over heels 'in like' with someone enough to put their mission at stake, and to want to spend all their free time with them.

I have it on good terms that although The Recruit is slow, the rest of this series get's better, so I may attempt the next book in this series and see how I fell about it afterwards. Even after writing down all my points I still can't fully decide on how I actually feel about The Recruit. There was obviously something about this book that kept me reading, I just can't put my finger on what it was exactly.