A review by thebooktrail88
Dead Man's Blues by Ray Celestin


Visit the locations via the Literary Travel Agency Dead man's blues booktrail

WOW! This isn’t just a novel, it’s an experience – a jazz and blues and booze fuelled chase through the Chicago of Al Capone. It was action from page one and it grabs you from the scruff of your neck and never lets you go. Apart from when the hand shoves you down a back alley, leaves you to wonder how the hell you’re going to work out what’s going on before picking you up and ramming you into the next chapter.

Brilliant stuff. The world of Al Capone and the wonderful Louis Armstrong is brought to life and then some. Music filters through the pages – there’s a playlist to really bring the book to live but I love jazz and blues so much I was singing in my head. It was a real honour to meet these people -especially Louis as he plays a major role in this novel.

It’s more of an immersive experience than a novel – it has everything and fully recreates the world of 1920s Chicago and the time where gangsters controlled cities and blues music was infused in every single Chicago day. This is the city of speakeasies, jazz, the fledgling recording industry, police corruption, drugs, violence, gangsters and blues.

Highly recommended. Buy it now. Live it. You won’t regret it