A review by driedfrogpills
Rolling Blackouts: Dispatches from Turkey, Syria, and Iraq by Sarah Glidden


Considering we now live in a post-truth world, it was really refreshing to read about a group of journalists struggling with the demands and concerns of ethics and bias in journalism. Despite the very serious settings and reflections recorded by Sarah Glidden, it kind of made me a little more optimistic that there are these conversations are still being held around the world (but I'll be honest, my optimism is pretty low so I'm not exactly setting the bar high).

I did initially pick this book up because I wanted more on Syria and Iraq, and there's some of that in this, but it's really more about the group Glidden followed and the people they met. There is a lot of food for thought in this, though; I'll probably end up buying a copy just so I can flip through it from time to time and reflect. Glidden's quiet watercolors are wonderfully understated, adding to the air of quiet reflection even when dealing with charged issues. She also presents her friends and those they interviewed in a sympathetic way as possible, letting readers draw their own conclusions from the text.