A review by xakyr
Highland Barbarian by Ruth Ryan Langan


I had read this book several years ago, and remember absolutely loving it. However, I just re-read this book for a challenge in one of my groups, and was surprised to find that my opinion of it had changed when I finished it. It wasn't anything specific, just that I was no longer "in love" with it like I had been when I was younger. Perhaps the book wasn't in depth enough with the feelings of the characters for me, but I do know that after re-reading the book this time, this is one book series that I won't be paying a lot of money to port over to my Kindle, if I port it at all. While I enjoyed the read enough to say I like the book, I honestly would not recommend this to someone wanting a Scottish Romance. I'd be more likely to recommend Julie Garwood's [b:The Secret|107770|The Secret (Highlands' Lairds #1)|Julie Garwood|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312123398s/107770.jpg|734169] than this book.