A review by thebritishbibliophile
Echo Unbound by Anna Durand


'A fitting finale for a series full of thrills, twists, turns, and a whole lot of 'something more'. Wink wink. Anna Durand displaying her writing prowess with this dystopian series finale' -TheBritishBibliophile_

Thank you to Anna Durand for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy as part of her ARC team for me to read and leave an honest review.

As I said in one of my reviews for one of the previous two books in the series, the dystopian genre is not one I tend to go for as it's not one of my go-to book genres. However, I was willing to give I a try here since it's not War of the Worlds, but is more of a dystopian romance. Plus, it's Anna Durand. I'm willing to try anything she writes because she's that amazing to read.

Since this was going to be a trilogy, it was going to be one of three things. One, a series of standalones. Two, interconnecting books featuring the same two leads in all three books. Or three, an interconnecting series feating a different set of main characters in each book. As you can probably tell if like me you've read all three books, Anna has chosen the latter. Personally, I think she made the right choice in doing so. By splitting this interconnecting series into focusing on three main characters each time, the bigger picture of their group, the world around them and everything else is split into three segments, rather than three, drawn-out books with the same pair leading us all the way through.

Gabriel and "Sarah" are our main characters this time around. Though hardly an angel, Gabriel is quite literally dropped into Sarah's life--and indeed the world they're currently living in--, and is less than a bucket full of sunshine. He's the grump we'll grow to love and gives us the grumpy-to-sunshine trope in full force. He might come across as arrogant and rude, but it's Sarah who brings out the true man beneath the gruff exterior, and we'll see her bring out that man as the two of them embark on an adventure together which should hopefully and once and for all, bring an end to the series of events happening around them and everyone else. Sarah, on the other hand, has to navigate the self-same world and Gabriel dropping into her life, all without knowing who she is. Not only does she have to help the group and contribute to helping restore the world to what it was before, she has to find herself, too.

And it's not easy with what is endlessly thrown their way. Twists and turns, one thing after another, they battle through it till they're literally on their knees. That still doesn't stop them from fighting for what both the group needs, and what they want as a couple. Both things are worth fighting for, even when it seems like it's quite literally the end of the world.

What, might you ask, was the key to saving the world? Well, that you'll have to discover when you pick up this read and the other two in the trilogy. It must be said, I did find it somewhat amusing, and a hell of a lot entertaining to read how they had to save the world. Or rather, what was another key component in saving said world. It wasn't what I expected it to be, but that doesn't mean that it was any less entertaining. In fact, it was entraining. Several times over, entertaining. I wish I could say more, but it would spoil it. I will say this though...bravo Anna!

Echo Unbound was a truly enlightening read to spend my time on. Though I am not used to this genre as previously mentioned, thanks to Anna's skilful writing, I'm coming around to liking the genre thanks to her unique spin on things. I would most definitely give another read of hers a chance should she decide to go down the dystopian route again some time in the near future.

4.5 stars!