A review by dtaylorbooks
Halloween! by Silver RavenWolf


This was such a fun, informative book, right up the alley I needed with research for a witchy book I’m writing. It gave me the background information I was looking for without overloading me with detail, it gave me some spells, some tasty recipes that I look forward to trying, and some ritual work. All of these things are what I was looking for going into this book and that’s what I took out of it.

RavenWolf strips away the pretense of witchcraft, removing the stigma and the lore, and gives you the most basic of information going back to the roots of the practice. Everything she provided had an origination in the pre-Christian era and, of course, she’s plain with telling about the Christians coming in and annihilating the crap out of everyone and everything who didn’t fall in line to their way of thinking, turning these practices back into the shadows or absorbing them into Christian practices as a means of converting more people.

I really liked the history of things, the why things evolved the way they did, what something meant then and what it means now. It was all very enlightening and lucky for me, my kitten shredded a couple pages of this library book so I ended up having to purchase it! The jerk. But I’m happy I have a copy now to reference whenever I need instead of just my notes. Great information about my favorite holiday, HALLOWEEN! is a must read for any knowledge junkie looking for a little more depth in their holiday.
