A review by karteabooks
The Poet by Louisa Reid


So, I was lucky enough to not only meet the author at Tasting Notes Live in April 2022, I was also lucky enough to get a proof copy of her 2nd free verse novel. Again, another book that I should have read sooner… 

What an amazing book! I was completely blown away by this, an even now, writing this a few days after finishing the book, I am still thinking about both Emma and Tom… 

Emma is in a relationship with her old University lecturer Tom, initially it was full of passion and love, but it has now turned sour, and Emma is beginning to see Tom for his true self. 

Titled The Poet, yes, it is poetry, but not necessarily as you might always assume... it tells a whole story which, I admit, I read as more of a novel, but that is just my way of thinking, others will disagree. 

I highly recommend this but be aware that certain parts could be a bit of a trigger as Emma is emotionally and mentally abused and begins to doubt herself in so many ways. Thankfully though, she comes to a realisation and maybe all is not lost after all.